Home Ahsan Rony want creating a world class travel platform from Bangladesh

Ahsan Rony want creating a world class travel platform from Bangladesh

Travel Bangladesh is a startup funded by the ICT Division of the Government of Bangladesh and has received many national and international accolades, including the South Asian Youth Leadership Award. Every idea of Travel Bangladesh is unique not only for the country but also for the travel market all over the world. Founder of Travel Bangladesh Ahsan Rony's target is to win the hearts of the people of the country and he wants to take the concept of Travel Bangladesh to the world court. He wants to create a startup from Bangladesh to support people all over the world.

In 2017, Ahsan Rony was studying at Dhaka University. He works in various social organizations, writes and travels around the country and abroad. Onece he was thinking Is there any way to work for the country and work together with his own passion? That's when a new idea popped into his head. How about building a platform to help travelers travel around the country and abroad? The country will also be highlighted and his passion will be profession. Enthusiastic young Ahsan Rony did not stop thinking, he launched a platform called Travel Bangladesh, which has now taken a great place in the travel sector of Bangladesh and is moving forward with all new ideas at breakneck speed.

Ahsan Rony said, "I have traveled a lot in different parts of Bangladesh; I have visited a few countries outside the country- from here I realized that there is a lot more to do with the country's tourism sector. The journey started from there." At present, Travel Bangladesh is providing assistance to more than 5 lakh people every month with all kinds of travel information including history, heritage, places of interest, food, hotels and resorts in 64 districts of Bangladesh. In the new version of Travel Bangladesh's website travelbd.xyz, a traveler can post various articles and videos related to travel by opening an account as well as knowing information from home and abroad in Bengali, English and video versions. Which is the first platform launched in Bangladesh. Travel Bangladesh's 'Travel Helpline' is working to solve the travel problems of thousands of people.

Travel Bangladesh has come up with a great concept called 'Tour Market'. In this market, tours of the largest travel agencies, tour operators and tour groups of Bangladesh can be booked online from Travel Bangladesh. At present tours of 26 travel companies are available in this market. A traveler comes to this market and gets such tours at the right price from the tour agency of his choice; He is also able to find the best package compared to other company's tours.

Travel Bangladesh has brought some great experiences to enjoy Bangladesh in an exceptional way to present the history and culture of Bangladesh in the world court. This experience includes spending time with the freedom fighters, visiting the Liberation War Museum with them and listening to their war heroic deeds. There is also an opportunity to enjoy the culture and village of Bengal. You can go to a village in any part of the country to enjoy the village all day long, you can go fishing in the pond, you can see the beauty of the river, you can eat a variety of traditional village food including pantabhat, pitha. There is the great experience of recording songs in the studio with the musician, and the exceptional experience of going to the drama or movie set and enjoying the shooting.

Ahsan Rony said, We have always kept in mind that while creating the Experience section of Travel Bangladesh, when someone takes any of our experiences, this time should be memorable for a lifetime. When one takes every experience, these experiences will become a memorable experience and a great memory for a lifetime. Ahsan Rony also said that Travel Bangladesh is currently working on more than 200 unique experiences.

Ahsan Rony is working for travel companies as well as travelers. Travel Bangladesh is providing photography and videography support to the country's travel companies starting from online promotion to website support, media support. As a result, any travel company is able to grow its business with this support.

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