Home PM blasts media over shooting Gaibandha boy

PM blasts media over shooting Gaibandha boy

Staff Correspondent: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today opened her mouth in media for its role when Awami League lawmaker Manzurul Islam Liton shot a boy in Gaibandha last year.

Actual fact is a group of criminal ambushed there to invade and kill Liton and he (Liton) was forced to fire shot for self security, Hasina said while addressing in the parliament in an obituary motion of the AL lawmaker, who was killed by criminals on December 31.

Sourav Mia, a 10-year-old boy, was shot by the Gaibandha-1 MP and sustained injuries in his both legs in October 3 2015.

The prime minister said the victims father belongs to Awami League and Liton had maintained good relation with the family.

Why will he (Liton) go for killing him (Sourav)? the premier said expressing doubt over injury in the legs of the victim.

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