Home Transport worker shot in clash with cops in city

Transport worker shot in clash with cops in city

Staff Reporter:A transport worker was shot as fresh clashes with police ensued at Gabtoli again on Wednesday morning centering the countrywide strike protesting conviction of two drivers.

Police used tear gas canisters and rubber bullets to take the situation under control at the Dhakas entry point as the workers destroyed about a dozen vehicles there beginning from 7:00am.

Shah Alam, driver of Baishakhi bus, sustained pellet injuries during the clash, said Manjurul Haque, medical officer of Selina General Hospital where the injured was initially taken.

He (Alam) got huge pellets all over his body particularly in his chest and left hand. His physical condition was serious. We sent him to Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital, he said.

Last reported, clashes were happening between the two sides in intervals. The workers were pelting brickbats on the face of police and elite force Rapid Action Battalion stationed there.

Police enclosed about seven picketers from the spot.

In the meantime, elsewhere in Dhaka city, inter-city public buses were still scarce and commuters were left to suffer. Long haul buses remained suspended from other exit points of the city.

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